The Un-Dead Hopsital

Dr. Hoevel wanted to be a Doctor all the time, so Dr. Hoevel built a un-dead hospital. It was only made for monsters, vampire, zombies, and a lot more.  Anyways, one day a vampire came.  Dr. Hoevel asked what was wrong. She said “ma angs pell mout”. Dr.Hoevel said you’ll need replacements. She also gave zombies stitches,mummys a new wrap,put skeletens back together and so much more. She was such a great help that all the monsters gave her the Un-dead prize and with that 100,000 grand. She used all that money to upgrade her hospital. Dr.Hoevel cured the monsters so much that there where no more monsters only people.

The End!
P.S.  I hope you love this story.


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